Thursday, September 27, 2012

Who pays for the repairs of my car after a car accident?

The party that is at fault for the accident is responsible for the repairs to your vehicle subject to the limits of the party’s insurance coverage.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My apartment complex refused to fix a staircase and I fell and injured myself, can I sue the apartment complex?

Yes. The injured party need only show that the apartment complex knew or should have known that the staircase was dangerous and posed a risk of injury to tenants or other parties visiting the complex, that the apartment complex breach the duty by not repairing or maintaining the staircase, that the failure of the apartment complex to fix the staircase caused of the injuries, and that the injured party actually sustains medical and/or physical damage.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My wife was in a car accident and sustained severe injuries, can I sue for loss of consortium?

Yes. Clients think that loss of consortium involves the value of the physical aspects of a relationship (sex) when in actuality it is more valuable when it is argued based upon every other aspect of the relationship that is lost as a result of a given party’s injuries.

For example, a loss of consortium claim is much more valuable when an injured party can no longer make coffee for their partner as a result of their injuries for the rest of their lives as an example.

The smaller the loss as an example often documents those most important aspects of a relationship between two people that is the basis for a loss of consortium claim by the partner of an injured party.