Many people attempt to represent themselves after being involved in an automobile accident; however, the insurance companies are not on your side. You may be entitled to benefits and compensation to which the insurance will not disclose. While you are unaware of your rights, the insurance companies will likely attempt to settle your matter quickly at a considerably lower cost to the insurance company.
Insurance companies will likely attempt to obtain a recorded statement immediately after the accident and prior to you retaining counsel thus you may not fully understand your injuries and rights. Once the recorded statement is obtained, the insurance company will attempt to use the statement against you when settling your matter.
Some benefits the insurance may not disclose to you are as follows:
- Right to a rental car;
- Right to compensation to pain and suffering;
- Right to compensation to medical damages;
- Right to compensation to lost wages;
- Right and compensation for disabilities if any arise; and
- Right to fair market value for your vehicle.